The infrastructure consists of:
- bridge
- road
- potable water
- power
- internet
- recreational (pond, trails...)
Road access, water and power are provided to the boundary of each quinta. It is
the owner's responsibility to take these services further, e.g. to the building
A new concrete bridge has been built accross the Uchima river for the exclusive
use of the property owners.

For recreation, several kilometers of hiking/horse riding trails have been
cut on the common land for the enjoyment of all quinta owners.

There is also a pond and a small waterfall located by the entrance bridge which
we envision as a great spot to meet or wait for a transport to town.

For water, we have several sources. The property has 3 springs and we intend to
use them as much as possible. We also have a water catchment in the river upstream
from the trout restaurant located above the eastern boundary of the property.
For power, we would like to look into hydro electricity as we have a powerful river
flowing on the boundary of the property. No in depth study has been undertaken yet.
Connecting to the grid is another easy option.
Internet connection will be provided if desired but this will incur extra cost and
should be discussed and financed by the homeowners association.
Last but not least, no infrastructure would be possible without the wonderful people
who are helping us day in day out.
We are grateful for the fantastic team working relentlessly
at making this property better.