Malacatos is a small town located in the next valley from Vilcabamba on the way
north to Loja (6 kms approximately). The valley is very different, much wider, much
more opened and people say slightly warmer. Malacatos has more food than Vilcabamba.
We had a good laugh the other day with some local people when we concluded that
while Malacatos grows food, Vilcabamba grows gringos. Indeed, all the expats seem
to want to live in Vilcabamba. Very few have settled in Malacatos and the population
of Malacatos is predominately Ecuadorian.

The town is a beautiful town with a lovely bright blue church. The town has a large
outdoor food market every Sunday where local grown produce is sold.
Agropecuario “El Campo”
Dr Rosa Georgina Paredes Ochoa Veterinaria Zootecnista. I have taken my bitch to
see Rosa when she was sick after just having her puppies. This vet is a large open
shop with an examination table in one part of the shop. Her diagnosis was correct
and her service very good. However, I did not see any operation facilities.
Address: Av. Pio Jaramill Alvarado y Justiniano Estupinan (Frente
al Coliseo, Malacatos.
Mobile: 091819412